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Summer Of 100 Photos, Day 70: Something You Borrowed From Someone Else

Our daughter passed away last year from cancer just before her 35th birthday and her 36 th birthday has come and gone also, we will always celebrate it as hard as it is,to not would be harder, I can never express enough how much I loved her do love her,her name is Amanda . I have a will as I long as I can buy Manda things for her birthdays and other times as well,we shopped a lot together and she would always say I will get this for for someone and that for someone else,she was funny and so kind and smart and I miss her everyday.I go to the shops and like buying things with her in mind, I said to Manda the day of her funeral that I would honour her for the rest of my life ,I will stay true to that .The random acts of kindness written of earlier is a wonderful idea.I read up on different sites and some things you read support how you feel, which helps,the deeper the love ,the deeper the grief,there is no rush in grieving,give yourself time and in most cases your lifetime,I love hearing her name,I have legally had my middle name changed to Amanda,her brother has had Amanda tattooed on his leg and her sister has had Mandas favourite saying across the side of her chest,just 3 words but they refer to her sister.,no one wants the person they have a deep love for to be forgotten.I have appreciated reading what everyone has written about who they have lost ,thankyou. Love from Mandas Mum

Summer of 100 Photos, Day 70: Something you borrowed from someone else


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