The ODBC gateway requires a 32-bit ODBC connection. Use the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator tool located in %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\odbcad32.exe to create the ODBC Data Source.
Odbcad32.exe Oracle Drivers For Mac
I am working with an installer which queries the oracle or sql server based on user input and gives the list of servers... SQLLogin dialog. But I am unable to understand ODBC Resources view. Helpnet even doesn't provide complete information. How can I add a dsn to an exixting database or is it querying for a new database connection . Any help appreciated. This would make me more than clear about installshield.
Note: Iguana may not always support the very latest version of Oracle drivers, so you can simply download an earlier version if necessary. This is particularly true if you are not able to use the the latest version of Iguana.
Check which panel you're using. There's sometimes 2 copies of the panel in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (surprisingly, 32-bit) and C:\Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe (surprisingly, 64-bit). Try both.
I've just found a problem with the Jet drivers that might possibly apply to other ODBC drivers: If you create or modify a System DSN, and there is a User DSN with the same name, then the System DSN registry settings are incomplete - I gather they go into the User DSN config, instead.
The System DSN appears to work, because (at least the Jet) drivers look for both System DSN registry entries (under HKLM) and the User DSN entries (under HKCU). If you delete the User DSN, you get left with an incomplete System DSN - and your ODBC driver might not be robust enough to handle that.
The drivers listed in Figure 8 also appear in the odbcinst.ini file. To check that out, view the file in your favorite text editor in Ubuntu. In our case, is gedit. Type it in the Terminal using the full path and file you saw in Figure 6 earlier.
The Instant Client is completely free of charge, however they do require you to create an oracle account as well as accept some terms of use before you can download it. The Instant Client software is available for many different operating systems however this article will focus on Windows. That being said, Mac users may still find parts of this article helpful.
The tnsnames.ora file is a text file that contains connection information for the oracle database(s) that you are trying to connect to. This is where things can get a bit tricky. The best way to get your hands on the information needed to create this file is to run a tool located in the bin directory of the Oracle server called LSNRCTL.exe
At this point you will be prompted to give a name and description for your DSN. The dropdown for TNS Service Name should include the service that you specified in the tnsnames.ora file and the User ID should be the Oracle User ID with which the DSN will connect to the Oracle server. You should then make sure to try the Test Connection button to ensure that the connection can be established. If you cannot connect to the Oracle server, your tnsnames.ora file may not be correct or the oracle server may not be configured correctly to listen for incoming connections.
Note: If you need to modify the DSN or create other Splunk DSNs, you must use a system DSN and the bitness of the DSN must match your Oracle system. You can access and create 32-bit DSNs on a 64-bit system by opening the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
Once launched, you can verify that the driver was installed correctly by clicking on the Drivers tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator and checking that Elasticsearch Driver is present in the list of installed drivers.
Follow these instructions to delete the Oracle drivers from your workstations. To uninstall Oracle Software and the ODBC driver, locate the Universal Installer application. You may find this in the Windows menu under Oracle - OraClient10g_home, or you may use the Setup.exe file from C:\oracle10g\10203_client_vista-win7\. 1.
Assume you have Microsoft ODBC Driver 13/13.1 for SQL Server and ODBC Driver 17/17.1 for SQL Server installed on the same Windows computer. If you uninstall either version, the uninstalled driver remains visible, but it becomes unusable in ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe).
Symptoms Assume that you have Microsoft ODBC Driver 13/13.1 for SQL Server and Microsoft ODBC Driver 17/17.1 for SQL Server installed on the same Windows computer. If you uninstall either version, the uninstalled driver remains visible but becomes unusable in ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe).
Symptoms Assume you have Microsoft ODBC Driver 13/13.1 for SQL Server and ODBC Driver 17/17.1 for SQL Server installed on the same Windows computer. If you uninstall either version, the uninstalled driver remains visible, but it becomes unusable in ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe).
Assume that you have Microsoft ODBC Driver 13/13.1 for SQL Server and Microsoft ODBC Driver 17/17.1 for SQL Server installed on the same Windows computer. If you uninstall either version, the uninstalled driver remains visible but becomes unusable in ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe).
This section describes how to uninstall the product on Mac OS X. Depending on your preference, you can uninstall individual drivers or the entire product. Note: On Mac OS X, the uninstaller program is currently only supported in a command-line interface.
In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, and then double-click either ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) or ODBC Data Sources (32-bit). Alternatively, you can run odbcad32.exe from the command prompt. Click the User DSN, System DSN, or File DSN tab. Select the data source to delete.
To use other databases (for example MySQL), the location of the JDBC drivers of those databases need to beadded to the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH beforeinstalling the service. Multiple drivers can be set; each entry needs to be separated with a ;(Windows) or : (other operating systems). Spaces in the path names are supported.The settings must not be quoted.
To use the PostgreSQL ODBC driver on 64 bit versions of Windows,first run c:/windows/syswow64/odbcad32.exe.At this point you set up your DSN just like you would on any other system.See also:Re: ODBC Driver on Windows 64 bit
After installing the driver, a new Data Source must be added. In Windows,run odbcad32.exe to open the Data Source Administrator. Then click on 'Add...'and select the PostgreSQL Unicode driver. Then click 'Finish'.You will be able to change the connection properties.The property column represents the property key in the odbc.ini file(which may be different from the GUI).
ODBC drivers provide dialog boxes for supplying connection details such as the server, user name, and password. Many offer advanced options for controlling the connection behavior. You should consider these options when exploring ways to improve the functionality or performance of your ODBC connection. In particular, look for settings that control the items listed below, as these have been the cause of past issues with ODBC connections in Tableau:
Note that if you are using a 64-bit version of KeyServer, you will need to use a 64-bit ODBC driver. Likewise, 32-bit KeyServer requires a 32-bit ODBC driver. This is one of the few reasons to prefer one bitness over the other when given a choice on a 64-bit OS. In addition, you must use the correct ODBC Administrator which matches the bitness of the KeyServer executable. Specifically, if you are using 32-bit KeyServer on a 64-bit OS, you will need to manually locate and launch the 32-bit ODBC Administrator, which is at C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe, and use that version of ODBC Administrator when defining the DSN which will be used in the KeyServer Database Export.
Every computing environment is different, and with KeyServer's ODBC exporting you are using software from several different sources (KeyServer, ODBC, the ODBC drivers, the database, etc.) These factors increase the potential for problems, so you should be sure to verify that your configuration works properly. 2ff7e9595c